Vionita Oktaviani

UI/UX Designer, UX Writer

Jakarta, Indonesia
"I’m Vio, undergraduate student from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) majoring S1- Informatics. I'm someone who has interested at UI/UX Design or Content Writer role to begin career. I’m based in Jakarta. I have been experience in the field of UI/UX for the past less 2 years. In that time, I also actively participate in bootcamp UI/UX and advanced UI/UX classes organized by KSM Multimedia UPNVJ and course. Apart from that, I managed to create 4 UI/UX Designs (2 independently and 2 teams), 3 more UI Designs, 1 UI/UX e-book and 8 UI/UX articles whics has allowed me to develop my soft skills and hard skills"
Information Architecture
Visual Communication

Selected Works

  • Bayareens App
  • Gigstoon
  • are you sure your UX is successfull?

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